I love nature and a sustainable lifestyle
I was born in Mexico City; my hometown is Xochimilco (home place of flowers in Nahuatl) which is a small native community. So, I am a descendant of Native people, those who came from Aztlan in the Mexica narratives. I studied Law and Sociology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (NAUM). After, I studied a Master’s in Demography at the Mexico College from 2010 to 2012. From January to September in 2015, I studied Academic English Courses at the English Language Center of the Victoria University, British Columbia, Canada. At the moment, I am studying Econometric Applied Courses at Economics Graduate Studies of NAUM from January to June 2016.
I worked at the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education at the Education Statistic Department in Mexico from 2012 to 2014. In this institute, I participated in the publication of Education at a Glance in Mexico (annual report which evaluates the situation of the Mexican educational system). During this time, I got experience in developing educational indicators which showed vulnerabilities, problems, challenges, and disadvantages of the Mexican Educational System (it includes elementary to university education, following the International Standard Classification of Education).
I am a very active and positive thinking person. I was a volunteer in Canada and Mexico. In Canada, I worked as a volunteer in Our Place, an organization which helps improve life for the homeless in the city of Victoria. This experience was amazing because I learned a lot about poor people and social problems in Canada. In 2006, I participated in Cultural Activities in four communities in Central Valleys of Oaxaca. As a member of a youth organization, we won a subsidy to promote cultural and social activities for young people from Oaxaca Central Valleys by the National Institute of Youths in Mexico. From 2006 to 2008, I worked in Municipal Territorial Planning in the poorest communities in Mexico; I visited Guerrero, Chiapas, and Michoacán. In this project, a group of students from NAUM developed social diagnostics of these communities. The final result was a Municipal Developing Plans.
My hobbies are hiking, running, training, scuba diving, reading, and painting. I can do altitude diving, deep diving, and night diving. I am not a professional painter, but I just express myself. From my perspective, life is like a walk over a mountain, after discovering a lake, desert, and sea. It doesn't matter what you find; you have to just enjoy the actual scenery and continue walking forward. I consider that I am an enthusiastic, hardworking, sociable, resilient and organized person. I am very grateful for my life. Personally, I accumulate treasured experiences. So I enjoy learning from different relevant persons in the course of my life.